As parents and students are gearing up for back to school this fall, be sure that your children’s dental check-up and cleaning in our office are on the “to-do” list! Did you know tooth decay in children’s teeth is one of the most common chronic diseases in children? With regularly scheduled dental hygiene appointments it can be prevented.
Untreated cavities can spread decay to adjacent teeth and grow deeper into the affected tooth. This can lead to significant pain and potentially serious infection. Teeth can look perfectly healthy even when small cavities are forming between them. Before children experience any pain, we can detect these cavities on x-ray images in their hygiene check-ups. Fluoride and sealants may also be recommended for your child to protect teeth and avoid cavities before they have a chance to start.
Our Safety Protocols
At Brookline Dental Specialists we have always ensured the highest standards of safety for you and your child. Dental offices were required to maintain very strict hygiene practices, even before the COVID pandemic began. We have implemented additional comprehensive measures to protect our patients, our doctors, and the entire team in the office from COVID-19. Minimizing risk and safely providing the care necessary to help keep you and your family members as healthy as possible is our top priority.
Hand Sanitizing/Hand Washing 
Our team is following all CDC, ADA, and OSHA best practices and guidelines for handwashing and glove changing to minimize the risk of cross-contamination. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the office for patient use and patients are encouraged to use it frequently during their visits.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Comprehensive PPE is utilized in our office including gloves, masks, and safety glasses, as well as face shields when needed. We utilize disposable surgical gowns and maintain a physical separation in clinical and non-clinical areas. Safe Spacing in Reception/Social Distancing Social distancing can minimize the spread of infectious diseases. We have revised the layout of our reception area to safely accommodate a smaller number of people and frequently sanitize common areas between appointments. Patients are also welcome to call the desk when they arrive and wait in our parking lot until it is time for their pre-screening and check-in.
Sanitizing the Office
In our practice, we have always utilized surgical-grade, state-of-the-art sterilization equipment to clean the tools we use while providing care in the clinical setting. Toys and magazines have been removed from the reception area and in the treatment rooms to reduce the risk of spreading infectious viruses. All bathrooms, seating, doorknobs, and counters are periodically wiped down throughout the day to destroy any bacteria or viruses that may be present.
Patient Pre-Screening Protocol
All patients who have scheduled appointments with us are rigorously pre-screened before they come into the office. Our questionnaire includes questions about recent travel, potential exposure to COVID-19, and any symptoms you or your child may be experiencing including a dry cough, shortness of breath, or a fever. Anyone who has recently traveled to a high-risk area, or shows any signs of infection will be rescheduled for an appointment after a 14-day waiting period.
Schedule Your Overdue Dental Check-Ups TODAY!
We believe it is entirely safe, and more important than ever, for our patients of all ages to maintain their preventive dental care. Since the pandemic began early last spring we have noticed increases in tooth decay in children we see. Adult patients are experiencing more cracked teeth due to clenching and grinding their teeth. Keeping your regular appointments with the dentist can help address these issues before they lead to much bigger dental health problems down the line. We are now scheduling for the fall, we welcome new patients, and we offer convenient, family-friendly appointment times 7 days a week! Request an appointment with Brookline Dental Specialists today!